Too often I think I get so caught up in instant gratification that even when I know my long term goals are the more important ones, I still become overwhelmed when I don't see the needle move at all. I have to remember at these times that progress will happen, but I have to be patient. The important thing is that I feel good about myself when I'm working hard.
This week, there were days that I didn't want to go to the gym after work. I was tired, I was in a bad mood, I just wanted to stay home and relax instead of feeling like I go straight from work to working out, to coming home to shower, to eating and then straight to bed to do it all over again the next day. But a strange thing happened- about midway through the week, I wanted to go to the gym. (Now, I still WENT to the gym at the beginning of the week, I just didn't want to go.) I distinctly remember around 3:00 on Wednesday, I couldn't wait for the day to be over just so I could go to the gym. I've always heard that working out gives you more energy, makes you happy, makes you sleep better, etc. Now I haven't quite been feeling the benefits of energy and sleeping well, but for the first time this week, I made the connection between working out and lifting my mood. I was just on a grumpy mood this week during the day. But after I put in a good hour at the gym, I felt infinitely better. I didn't snap at Katie, I didn't become overwhelmed with my stir-crazy dogs, I didn't become emotional about how I looked and felt. In fact, I felt great! I was sore and tired and able to eat a small portion of ice cream even! I know it will only get better. And right now, I'm just really happy about that!
So now I have a 3 day weekend and how will I spend it? I'm very excited to hit the gym tomorrow- it felt almost wrong not going today! I want to get in a good workout and then take some laps in the pool- it's a great workout and it also relaxes me at the same time. Then hopefully the weather cooperates and I can take my crazy dogs on a walk or to the park or something.
And since I owe myself a 5# reward- it's movie marathon weekend! We're gong to spend a day just relaxing and watching movies. Right now it's between a Twilight marathon and Disney movies. So excited to get a good workout in that morning and then do nothing else for the rest of my day!
Progress. That's all I need- progress!