Saturday, January 4, 2014


This is the time that everyone makes resolutions. Studies show that a surprising percentage of us will not actually achieve the goals we set out with in January. I would love to be in the minority and actually look back a year from now and decide that I did accomplish my goals and stuck with my resolutions.

I don't like to make specific resolutions because then if I don't accomplish exactly, word-for-word what I had resolved, I feel like a failure. So my resolutions just happen to be rather vague. But for me, they're still very important:

1.) Make healthier choices. Live my life with purpose and make choices that are healthy for me. This means healthier choices regarding what I eat, my activity level, in my relationships, in my finances. Everywhere. Its not specific, but I think resolving to actually think through choices instead of just going with whatever is easiest is one of the more difficult things I could have chosen. So hopefully in a year I will look back and see that a change has definitely occurred.

2.) Take more pride in my appearance. A friend of mine and I had discussed this years ago. At the time, she felt that she always rushed through her morning routine, preferring to sleep in just 5 more minutes.... just 10 more minutes... just 20 more minutes, until she was running late and showing up to work with damp hair and thrown together outfits. She decided to take more pride in her appearance and now, years later, she's my most fashionable friend. She always looks put-together, as if she put some kind of thought into her outfit. At the time, I thought I tried just the right amount every morning. Now that time has passed, and I've put on weight, I can definitely see a big difference between me at that point and myself now. So another resolution will be to take pride (again) in my appearance. I will always wear sweatpants at home and ratty t-shirts to the gym. But there's no excuse for going to the grocery store, doctor, Target, etc looking like I just don't care. The truth is that I DO care. I just don't know how to dress this body anymore. And I don't really want people to look at me because I'm so insecure with myself. That is all going to change. Now that my Tiny Pride is starting to blossom, I'm going to be excited to look nice!

3.) Don't give up. I know at some point I'm going to want to throw in the towel. And this message is for the Me that will want to give up in a few months:
Don't do it. Don't give up. I know times right now may be hard. Maybe work has become difficult or relationships have soured. Maybe life is just overwhelming, with the dogs and cats, cleaning, laundry, making food. Maybe it seems like counting calories and working shouldn't be high on the priority list. Listen to me - these things matter. And eating whatever you want will not change the fact that you are busy, there are never enough hours in a day, and its always more fun to just sit and relax. Skipping workouts will not make you feel better. It will all make you feel worse. I promise you that. Don't make this mistake again - don't give up and slip into your old habits. Make all this pain that you've endured so far worth it. You deserve MORE than fast food and lethargy.

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