Sunday, December 22, 2013

The End is Where We Begin

Why do we always have such a strong urge to change our lives with the beginning of another year? I never put a lot of stock into resolutions - I always say that I just try to do better everyday, regardless of the time of year. But clearly I haven't been trying very hard.

My story is a very common one - I was athletic and thin in high school and for a few years after that. Since then, I've steadily gained weight. About a year ago, after making some changes in my life, I had lost about 30 lbs. I was so proud of myself. I hadn't felt that good about myself in YEARS. Now, a year later, I not only gained it all back, but I realized this morning that I'm even heavier than when I started. Last time I lost weight, it wasn't easy, but it didn't seem this hard. It just seems that I can't get motivated.

So what has changed now? I'm not quite sure. I just feel like I have to keep trying different things to motivate myself and hold myself accountable. So I plan to use this blog as a way to review my decisions, document my progress and to turn to when I start to feel overwhelmed. I know this journey is one that a lot of people go through. I'm just another person trying to feel better about themselves.

I am lucky enough to work from home, so my plan is to try to schedule visits to the gym, alter my diet watch my total calorie intake, choosing healthy fruits, veggies, etc over the processed crap I've gotten used to. I gained most of my weight back when I was on the road as a sales rep, and my excuse at that point was that I only really had fast food to choose from. Then I didn't have any healthy options. Now I just have too many unhealthy options lurking in my kitchen. 

I started out this morning reading some great articles in Self (I'd already read through this month's issue of Oxygen) and it got me motivated. I went to LA Fitness and did some cardio. I'm already sore! Its just a start, but getting to the gym is easily the most difficult part of my workout. I need to remember to just start slow and be proud of my small accomplishments.

This morning included:
20 min - alternating walking (3.5 mph) and running (5 mph)
20 biking - interval course (around 12-15 mph)
4 min stairclimber - just enough to not fall over from exhaustion!

So thats it - this is the beginning. Here we go!

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